Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Brazil is nice......

So last night I had the pleasure of briefly working with an analyst from one of the vendors. In most cases this wouldn't be anything to write about...what's interesting about geeks...let alone one more geek from another vendor/company. Well, this time the geek wasn't a social challenged was a female...from Brazil at that. Very nicely groomed, eyebrows arched, nails painted, perfume and a new hair cut to boot. did I know it was a new hair cut...she's been here before.

You can only imagine the type of up roar this caused in the building amongst the rest of us male geeks. Trust me if you have worked in the IT department you know that most of your female counter parts are not lookers. Needless to say that just about every guy; associated with the project or not; swooped around to her cube for one reason or another.

Now this brings me to my next question...why aren't there any nice looking females in IT? I can honestly count the amount of decent looking females that have done IT work where I have been employed. Is this only in the states? Must be...I am sure that the lady working here currently isn't the best looking female from her country...but she is leaps and bounds ahead of the "females" that I have seen state side in the IT world. I put female in quotes because you never know... ;-)

Disclaimer: I am not very good with some of these "sayings" "to boot" and all that so please work with me.

Just thinking out loud.

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