It was the first day back at 6100. We were just trying to refresh our memories of what it is we do here. As soon as we returned to our desks and stopped stirring, we heard some noise. It was music, very faint, in the background. It was reminiscent of Milton Wadams -
Uh, they said I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven while I'm collating...I, I told Bill that if Sandra's going to listen to her headphones while she' working, I can listen to the radio while I'm collating...I enjoy listening to the radio at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven.
Anyway, this person was listening to the music too loud. The residents in the adjacent cubes could clearly hear the music. We were not sure who was "rockin' out" at their desk... There are were two suspects: L, who listens to satellite radio at her desk and T, based on the location that the music was coming from. Well, I was pretty sure that it was not L...she normal asks me permission if she can listen without earphones. Remember, she is the person that is a timid as a beaten puppy. I went for a little stroll to find out who the offending party was...
5 Times.
I walked down the aisle. The music was getting louder and louder. I slowly passed the opening of T's cube. I was not prepared to see what I observed next. I thought, perhaps, that a careless cube neighbor, T, was just playing music through the external speakers of his laptop. No. No. No. T had earphones on, not just the little, cheap buds that come with many players. These earphones were big, expensive, cover-the-ears, "I really like music" kind of earphones. And, he did like music; he was rocking hard in his chair about to pump his fists in the air to show his appreciation to Scott Stapp. So, who knows how loud the music was underneath the earphones. I mean, we could hear the music from cubes away just from the loudness escaping from the very substantial earphones.
The worst part was poor T doesn't seem to have very many songs. It is like he just got an iPod and purchased a few songs, like 8 of them. And, now he is listening to them. He did not just say, "play 'em all and then loop them," he said, "Play Creed. Again, play Creed again. Again, play Creed again. And, then, play Creed again and again and again!!!"
6 Times. This really has to be a record...
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